Sunday, March 27, 2011

Why Are Piano Lessons A Great Choice For Your Child?

If you've been trying to decide if piano lessons are right for your child consider this.

Piano lessons can be one of the most rewarding experiences you give your child. There are countless studies that have shown the emotional, and intellectual benefits of taking music lessons at any age. Here are a few reasons why piano lessons specifically are great for children.

1) Piano lessons are perfect for young children: Many instruments other than the piano can be too heavy, need a great deal of coordination, and sometime need more air than the smaller body can produce. The piano however is a little easier to manage. When you push the keys down the note is already in tune and sounds good. This means that there is in instant reward.

2) Family time; It's no secret that in order to excel at anything it takes practice. This can mean more family time. Spending that 15 to 20 minutes per day listening to, and encouraging your children to practice will create long lasting memories. 20 minutes per day X 5 days per week means over 85 extra hours per year spent with your kids.

3) Piano lessons are great for setting goals; When students are preparing for regular recitals or exams they are constantly working towards specific goals. When they have an end result in mind they are more likely to work harder to achieve that goal.

So, if you do decide that piano lessons are right for your kids and you happen to live in Burlington Ontario please visit us at

About the Author

James Franczek is the school director at the the Academy of Music in Oakville and Burlington as well as the music director for the Oakville Celtic Fiddle Club. He has been teaching and performing in the Southern Ontario region for over 20 years. Whether you're in a class or taking private lessons from James you will find his love of music and upbeat teaching style just right for learning, and loving traditional and contemperary music. For more information on the fine programs at the Academy of music please visit

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