Sunday, March 27, 2011

What should you look for when choosing a school for piano lessons?

Trying to decide between a few different music schools? Here are a few important things to look for.

1) Is the teacher qualified? - This may sound like a no brainer but there are many schools that use "student teachers" or just teachers that "play in a band". Many of them have never taken piano exams of any kind themselves and as such can not really help prepare you, or your children for the necessary exams that they need to progress through the levels.

2) Does the school offer make up classes? - Consistency is very important when learning how to play the piano. When a lesson is missed 2 weeks go by without a teacher helping through the tough parts of the song. When this happens the student can develop a bad habit that will take much of the next class's time to correct. This can also be very frustrating for the student if they are struggling and need that help to get them through the music.

3)Are there opportunities to perform? - Music is a performance art. When students prepare for a recital they're not just learning a tune for fun. They are setting goals for themselves. Without the chance to play for other people the student will not progress as quickly and can, as a result, loose interest in piano lessons altogether.

4) Is there someone there to help you when you need them? - It's important to have a piano school representative available during all teaching hours. Many schools are run by the piano teacher so you usually have to wait until they're done teaching to get their attention. Even then, you only have a few seconds to get your own business taken care of without cutting into the next student's class time. Make sure that the school has a person on the desk during teaching hours so that that you will be able to take your time sorting things out (like booking make up lessons or getting piano rectal info).

Trying to find great piano lessons in Georgetown, ON. Please visit the Academy of Music at

About the Author

James Franczek is the school director at the the Academy of Music in Oakville, Burlington, and Georgetown ON, as well as the music director for the Oakville Celtic Fiddle Club. He has been teaching and performing in the Southern Ontario region for over 20 years. Whether you're in a class or taking private lessons from James you will find his love of music and upbeat teaching style just right for learning, and loving traditional and contemperary music. For more information on the fine programs at the Academy of music please visit

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