Wednesday, March 23, 2011

ABC Won't Press Charges Against Chris Brown for Violent 'GMA' Outburst

Posted 59 minutes ago by Matthew Perpetua in The Rolling Stone Blog

ABC has decided not to press charges against Chris Brown for smashing his dressing room window at the Good Morning America studio in Manhattan yesterday, TMZ is reporting. The singer reportedly had a violent outburst following an interview in which he was asked questions about his domestic violence incident with his ex-girlfriend Rihanna two years ago. This is fortunate for Brown, as he could end up in prison for violating his parole if he was prosecuted for vandalism and harrassing GMA staffers.Rihanna and Chris Brown's Grammy Weekend: The Days and Hours Before the Assault
It seems that at least publicly, there are no hard feelings toward Brown at Good Morning America.  In this clip from today's episode, host Robin Roberts said that she wished the singer "the absolute best" and has extended an invitation for him to return as a guest in the future.

Brown may face other consequences for his tantrum yesterday. Pop Eater's sources say that ABC may cancel the singer's appearance on next week's episode of Dancing With the Stars. An unnamed insider told the site that the show's staff should be concerned about their safety around the temperamental singer.

Photo by Ray Tamarra/Getty

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