Sunday, March 27, 2011

3 great Reason Why Music Lessons and Dance Classes Go Hand And Hand

Is your child a music kid or a dance kid?

If your reading this article you have already, or are planning to put your child into music lessons or dance classes and are wondering which one is better for them. The short answer is both. Music and dance are the perfect combination of disciplines.

Here are 3 great reasons why;

1) Music and dance are good for the body.
The physical challenges that dance lessons offer are obvious. The music lessons aren't as easy to see but consider this. A piano, guitar, or violin student must keep their body position in place with their arms raised and fingers moving for long periods of time. This may not seem like much but this exercise can burn off huge amounts of calories.

2) Music and dance are good for the mind.
The focus required to perform either discipline can be immense. You need for pay close attention to rhythm (counting), dynamics (quiet and loud for music, soft and hard for dance), and memorize complex patterns. Even tunes or dances that seem simple can be very tricky.

3) Music and dance are good for the soul.
This one could be the most important of the three. Both, put simply, make you feel good. We have all put our favorite song on to lift our spirits when we don't feel very good. The same is true of dancing. Even if we're not professional dancers we still like to "cut a rug" every once in a while. Again, it just makes you feel great!

So, if your thinking about music or dance, why not do both. Your body, mind, and soul will thank you for it.

For a complete list of programs and schedule please visit the Academy of music and dance.

About the Author

James Franczek is the school director at the the Academy of Music and Dance in Oakville and Burlington as well as the music director for the Oakville Celtic Fiddle Club. He has been teaching and performing in the Southern Ontario region for over 20 years. Whether you're in a class or taking private lessons from James you will find his love of music and upbeat teaching style just right for learning, and loving traditional and contemporary music. For more information on the fine programs at the Academy of music and dance in Oakville , Ontario please visit

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